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Sunday, November 27, 2011

My Holiday Book Picks for 2011


I was never a reader until this year. I only read on plane trips. These books along with a life-long friend, changed my life this year. I hope some of these books touch you as they have me.. these will all be in my collection, always!


“Let us read, and let us dance;

these two amusements will never do any harm to the world.”


1. The Hunger Games Trilogy by Suzanne Collins ~ Fiction

2. The Book of Awesome by Neil Pasricha ~ Happiness

3. Saving Cee Cee Honeycutt by Beth Hoffman ~ Fiction

4. The Untethered Soul by Michael A. Singer ~ Self Help

5. Heaven is for Real by Todd Burpo ~ Inspirational

6. Lady of Heaven by Kathryn LeVeque ~ Historical Romance

7. The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein ~ Pet Lovers

8. Sarah’s Key by Tatianna de Rosnay ~ Fiction

9. My Lucky Life.. A Memoir by Dick Van Dyke ~ Biography

10. Half Broke Horses by Jeanette Wells ~ Non-Fiction

(The last book was the GIFT that started my journey.. has made me an avid reader, a book blogger, reconnected a lost BFF & was the 1st of over 100 books I have read just this year.)

For More Great Picks, Check Out: ~ @coastconversa (twitter)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


What Inspires YOU? This is a month of Love & Inspiration for me.

I love beauty! I enjoy beautiful things, beautiful words & quotes.. I see beauty around me every day and I can find beauty in every one I meet.

February is a tough month.
Do you have a Valentine or Don't you? Do you buy roses or wait until another time of the year. Do you send special people in your life notes or wait for another time?
Back East the Winter is in full force & probably annoying by now.
In the West the weather doesn't exactly know what it wants to do..

Transition, to Spring. It's so close but not within reach yet.
A time of change. Darker makeup? Lighter makeup? Brighter or lighter lips?
Time to clean out the closet.. give away those clothes you haven't worn in a year.
And finally it is starting to be lighter later.
Transition, confusion and maybe frustration!

I've decided this month for me is about INSPIRATION..
Inspiration for myself and Inspiring others.

I sit all day and listen to so many stories.. some happy, some sad, some hopeful and some hopeless. How can I help? Listening all by itself is a good start. But what if every situation you encounter you look at it a different way? See how you can put a positive spin on it. Pick one thing a day that inspires you and allow yourself 10 minutes to enjoy it.

Go buy that dress you have had your eye on, try 3 lipsticks.. you may like them all! Buy some new soap, smile at a stranger or start writing that letter or blog you've thought of for awhile. Start a new business, reconnect with friends, pick-up a new hobby or try a new dance class.. When in doubt DO something for SOMEONE else! Whatever it is for you.. Do it!

In the process of inspiring yourself & others, you may actually stumble upon a treasure you never knew was there! For me, Love is always attached to Inspiration..

I stumbled on this quote at the end of the month, and it inspired me to write this entry:

"People will forget what you said and what you did, but people will NEVER forget how you made them feel." ~ Dr Maya Angelou

Have a Wonderful Month Filled with Your Own Inspiration & Love!

Here's a great example to help get you started:

Monday, January 3, 2011

You can't Smile & Frown at the same time!

It's true! If you are frowning you can't SMILE. If you are SMILING you can't frown, at least not at the same time.

Smiling LIFTS everything up.. Frowning brings everything down and exaggerates WRINKLES!

So while on vacation visiting my parents this holiday season, my mom looks over at me and says, "Are you using EYE CREAM?"
I just stare at her wanting to say, MOM! I am a skin care professional..
She then says, "YOU better! I can see lines starting around your eyes and your skin is so pretty it would be a shame to let your eye area go."

Gotta love MOMS. I DO love my mom, she started me at 19 years old on skincare and I still think that really made a difference in my skin today. And even though I hate to admit it, she got me thinking.. Even though I am almost 39 years old, sometimes she is still right. LOL I might have noticed a few "LINES" starting around my eyes but I am working VERY hard on my SMILE LINES (at least that is what I tell myself!)

When I workout out at the YMCA and swim in the pool without makeup and abunch of women, I notice two things:
First, they all think I am in my twenties (remember, without makeup).
Second, I can GUESS by the casual expressions on people's faces, who has a happy life and who might be stressed or unhappy.
Casual people watching, you can learn a few things from people's skin and expressions.
People wear their attitudes on their face.
They wear their habits on their skin.. you CAN'T fake it. What is going on inside, shows on the outside.

As we start a New Year, start to notice. If you are watching TV or casually thinking about your day and you quickly caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror, would you be SMILING or FROWNING?
When you lay down to sleep or as you awake in the morning, are you SMILING or FROWNING?

Call me crazy, but after purchasing OIL OF OLAY'S "Regenerist" Eye Serum and applying twice a day.. I remind
myself before bed, after waking and while singing along in my car.. I AM WORKING on my SMILE lines!

It's up to you!
Good skin not only takes time & work,
but because you can't SMILE & FROWN at the same time!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

HOT Hollywood Holiday Original Gifts...

An Accessory Must Have:

Check out Ch'armz at:
Created by my girlfriend Carlie Tracey who has worked on TV & Film sets for 15 years as a costumer & wardrobe stylist is brilliant! They are sleeves that attach to your bra straps to add arms to any short sleeve or 3/4 sleeve sweater/top. They are so unique and comfortable. I wear them all winter & they are flying off the shelves at the spa. My fav is the black & white floral swirl.

Give the Gift of Astrology:

One of my clients, a local British astrologer Gillian Payne, is offering an Xmas holiday discount of 50% for an astrological reading of your natal chart. In addition to covering your natal chart she will discuss the astrological trends affecting you in 2011. Readings typically last 90 minutes and you can visit her in person or consult with her by phone. She works by referral only so please mention my name when you contact her at

A Hollywood Keepsake:

Warner Bros. donated three movie reels to the Boys & Girls Club of Burbank. As a fundraiser they decided to make these unique bows for holiday gift giving. They are actual shots on real film stock from the films: The Traveller's Wife.. Sherlock Holmes.. & Valentine's Day.
They are a great unique hollywood souvenir! They are $5 each. You can order them or pick them up at the spa.

Hollywood Lashes:

Whether you are from here, live here or dream of Hollywood - YOU can give or receive the gift of affordable gorgeous lashes. There are alot of growth products on the market but my pick is RAPID LASH. No matter where you live you can buy this product online or in stores like Ulta. There aren't severe side effects like Latisse and I have used it myself as well as my clients and have seen great results. It is affordable at $50 and of course it makes a great gift.
Anyone in the area, once you have new fabulous lashes, should look into the new semi-permanent mascara application that lasts 2-3 weeks. I'm just saying..

Shoe Stoppers:

These one of a kind creations are all done by hand! You buy the Keds or Vans and Sara does the rest. Sara Hellman is the daughter of one of my clients and is definitely an up and coming artist. This is a great was to get an original before she is famous.. I have an sparkling angelic pair myself. $30 for B&W print, $40 for color design. You choose the theme.. All shoes are delivered via the spa. Kids & Adults LOVE them!

So wherever you are this holiday season, remember it is the time not only to reflect & renew but also to give thanks. Be grateful for all the beautiful blessings you have in your life and do something for someone else so they can count you as a blessing of their own.

Happy Holidays & Wishes for a Beautiful New Year! ~Michelle

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Hollywood Fall Trends 2010

It is 7am and here I am in a dark, cold room that will soon turn into a bright, bustling make-up room. This is the place where the “magic” happens, stories are shared and tips are exchanged. It is fall and everyone is asking about looks and trends. Red & Plum are the hot colors and here is the TOP 5 Fall Hot Sheet for anyone in my chair:


Lashes whether they are false or extensions, they all everyone is talking about. When I work with someone new, they soon realize, I am the lash girl. Eyelashes draw the camera & others right into what you are expressing or saying. With the new lash growth products like Latisse ($150 Rx only) and Rapid Lash ($50), everyone can find something that works for them. Lash growers are wonderful for nourishing lashes but take commitment and patience. Healthy, shiny, full and long - this is what everyone wants. False lashes are great for a few nights of drama. Extensions are great for months of waking up without mascara, ready to go. Mascara (love CG LashBlast) is awesome and the one item I would need on a deserted island!


This is really NEW in Hollywood! Beyonce’ make them popular in the spring and now every celebrity is sporting some BLING! These are sparkly fibers that gently get tied into your hair and last 1-2 weeks. You can wash them, curl them, flat iron them and style your hair with them in. They loosen and just slide off the hair… but definitely turn heads wherever you go. I think everyone needs a little BLING! in their life.


The Fall colors are Red and Plum. This is always the time where the natural, bronzed summer look kicks up into a more deep, dramatic look. Smokey eyes are always popular for fall/holidays. Shimmer, sparkle, black lined inner eyes, winged top liner and purple/eggplant/plums are this year’s look. Most makeup lines have a fabulous plum palette you can try for the Fall (Chanel’s ENIGMA a client fav). I suggest starting with a neutral base (brown/grey) and slowly layer the brighter/darker shade into the neutral base. Keep a highlight under the brow and the rest is your creation. Palettes are great, allowing you to try colors you may not normally choose, without worrying about blending tones.

Red always comes around in the Fall and this year it is all the rage. I LOVE red lips and usually recommend a bluer based red for most lips. Try on the color before purchasing and look at your teeth. If your teeth turn yellow, tone down the red and choose a darker, softer tone like a brick. When you are sporting a bright lip, you may want to go easy on the eyeshadow treatment. You don’t want your eyes & lips competing with each other. Dark liner, dark lashes with light sparkly shadow is a great compliment to red lips.


Clean, smooth skin is on everyone’s wish list these days. A proper skincare regiment accompanied by ALWAYS washing your face before bed, is the best start. Your skin rejuvenates itself at night, so moisturize and treat before dozing off. Lighter foundations are the most popular, but with good coverage. People want to see skin and high definition television requires a much lighter coverage. If you have a foundation you like, you can mix it with moisturizer to create your own tinted moisturizer. The key to good skin, is using SPF, all year long!


Everyone in Hollywood is always on a diet or detoxing (especially before the holidays). There are so many fads and crazes. A new favorite is alkaline water. It is a natural detox for your body. Our bodies are made up of mostly water (approx. 50-70%). Scientists say that antibodies, disease, sickness and toxins cannot survive in an alkaline environment. Foods we eat create an Acidic environment. If we can balance the PH level in our bodies, we are healthier and illness free. This is one of the new best anti-aging tips. I love the Kangan water and include it in home care treatments for my clientele. With regular use, you will definitely see a difference. In a pinch, no alkaline water? Add a lemon.

Remember, celebrities look just like you and me without makeup. Red carpet looks do not always translate into real life. Have fun, try something new for the season and be happy. The best make-up sits on a naturally unique and beautiful face with a smile on it! A smile is the best accessory any time of the year!

Thursday, August 19, 2010


We are in LOVE with hair BLING!
Beyonce` made it popular first and now it's all the rage.

Tiny strands of tinsel add a very subtle glimmer to your hair. It will definitely make people stop and stare. I actually makes us Giggle... they can't figure out what it is!

We have been BLINGING! :
- Brides & Moms of the Bride (perfect added sparkle for that special day)
- Vacationers (just a touch of fun for your trip)
- Teenager/Cheerleaders (just in time for school; they love showing off their school colors)
- Pets (anyone with a full tail gets a bit for a sparkling tail wagging)
- Special People (that's you) with an everyday special event (because it is fun)

You can wash your hair with them, flat iron or curl on medium heat, blow-dry and style. You just can't color with them or their color will be lost.

They come in all colors (red, green, blue, turq, purple, pink, etc.)
and hair colors too (champagne, chocolate, copper, deep red, and black)

They last about 2 weeks!

We think EVERYONE needs a little BLING! in their life!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

10 Small Ways to Make The World a Better Place!!

I had to borrow this article from DUSTIN WAX. Everything listed here is so true and I was so touched by the list. It only take a minute to make a difference in someone's day... which may lead to a better next day, to making someone else's day... and so on. You've heard of "Paying it Forward..."

Our spa is choosing to make a difference in our community for AUGUST by collecting items for our local FOOD BANK. What can you do this month to "Make the World a Better Place... for Someone Else?"

(Copied from original link: Thanks DUSTIN!

Here are ten little gestures, all of them easily within our grasp, that can spread goodwill in our own communities, as well as increase our own sense of mindfulness about the people around us and our relationship to them.

  1. Tip generously: As often as you can afford, leave a tip of 25%, 50%, 100%, or even more. (Obviously this applies mostly in countries where 15% tips are the norm.) Unless the service was simply awful – and even then, it might pay to consider what your server goes through – leaving as large a tip as you can afford not only puts a little extra extra money in your servers’ pocket, it tells them that they’re appreciated, a message that often slips our minds in our demanding, service-now society.
  2. Compliment someone: Tell someone how much you like the job they’re doing, their outfit or new haircut, their singing voice – whatever. Be honest and sincere. I like to practice “drive-by compliments”, sending an out-of-the-blue email to someone whose website, post, or comment on a post I really liked. Don’t expect anything in return, just let someone know that something they’re doing works and move on.
  3. Be totally open with someone: Let someone know exactly how you feel about something on your mind (though not something negative about them – there’s a different “protocol” for that sort of thing). We often keep too much to ourselves; letting someone into your confidence can be a great way to show your trust and appreciation of them. Of course, you have to judge what is and isn’t appropriate – it is possible to move past openness to dragging others into your problems, and that’s not making the world a better place.
  4. Give someone a book you’ve read: Making a gift of something you’ve read and enjoyed is more than just a nice gesture, it’s a way of showing someone that a) you think of them, b) you understand them, and c) you want to share something with them. The moment doesn’t end when they take the book – once they’ve read it, you can talk about your reactions together. Don’t do this with people around you who don’t read, though – you’ll build up an obligation that will be painful for them to discharge.
  5. Make something for someone: Bake an extra batch of cookies, draw a picture, decorate an extra Christmas ornament, and give it to someone for no good reason. Like giving someone a book, it tells them that you were thinking about them and wanted to do something nice for them, and that it’s something you made adds a nice touch. Give without expectations – whether they return the favor or not, whether they like it or not, whether they’re nice to you or not, these are all irrelevant.
  6. Send a letter, email, tweet, or text message out of the blue: Email someone you haven’t spoken with for a while, or text someone you see every day just to be nice. Maybe they’ll respond, maybe not – it’s beside the point. They just need to know that they’re important to you.
  7. Commend an employee to their manager: It’s one thing to tip or compliment someone for their service, it’s another to contact their manager and tell them what a great job they’ve done. If you don’t have time at the time of service, note the employees name and call, email, or write a letter later.
  8. Teach someone how to do something: Share your skill or talent with someone by showing them how to do something. Not so they won’t bother you with it, but so they can move a little bit towards improved mastery of the world around them. Have patience and respect for the person you’re helping – you’re giving them a gift, not compensating for some lack in their character.
  9. Let someone shine: Put a spotlight on someone else’s talents by letting them take over a presentation deferring to their wisdom, asking them advice, or otherwise flex their “talent muscles”. Especially if they are junior to you, giving them a chance to strut their stuff shows that you trust them and appreciate them, as well as allowing them to get the attention they deserve (and which might often be obscured by your own shadow).
  10. Connect like minds: Introduce two friends or colleagues who you feel have something to gain from each other. You’ll be letting them know you value them – and maybe creating a partnership that will make everyone better off.

You’ve probably heard the saying “Practice random acts of kindness”, and that’s basically what I’m talking about here. Anything that shows people you care about them – something we can be mighty stingy about most of the time – has the potential to make the world, or your small corner of it, a better place.