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Monday, February 18, 2008

DAY 10: Love is in the air... why not love your Face & Body too

Problem: My skin is soooo dry I can't get enough moisture to stay. I feel like an itchy, dried out prune.

Solution: Stress and environmental elements are harsh on our skin and bodies - you need to nourish so it can re-vive itself.

I was just reading an article today about nutri-ceutials. They are extremely hot in Europe and Japan right now. They inject nutrients for the body and skin into the food we eat. Brilliant! There was an example of collagen infused health drink, a snack bar with skin firming elements and soup with vitamins infused. Such an interesting topic - I sure hope we get introduced to some of these products soon in the states.
I will be in Holland in two weeks and I plan on doing some searching.

Replenish your skin and body with what it is lacking and you will see immediate results. More moisture rich (not necessarily thicker) products on the skin and hair. Products that help hold in the moisture and allow the cells to maintain and replenish lost moistures. Drink lots of water - and a great multivitamin (even a pre-natal) is amazing. Your body and skin LOVE when you replenish and allow them to recharge (especially overnight!) So try it - using products regularly for a month you will see results!

Good Luck - and give yourself some LOVE!